Monday 17 November 2008

My first real post

So where should I start? Barack Obama? Proposition 8? Or one of my favourite subjects, Sarah Palin? I think I will start with congratulating the American people on electing a new President that seems capable of not only fixing the messes left behind by good 'ole Georgy Bush but also leading the American people to a fantastic new age. Although in the same breath I must ask a question? Propositon 8? SERIOUSLY? 52.5% voted yes. I was absolutely floored. In this day and age, with the levels of intelligence that I suppose I must be assuming people posess how can this be? To actually take away rights. To deem people inequal on such a large scale. I was devastated, and I know I'm not the only one. There's millions of us, and we will not stop until this is changed. I will do whatever I can to help and I urge others to do the same. Regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation. you must see the injustice of this. Everyone has the right to love and marry who they wish. We should not be told otherwise. 

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